Following her cultural immersion experiences abroad and her studies in Questions Internationales, Audrey Gaussiran has developed a sensitivity to socio-political issues having an impact on an individual, local and global scale. Popular uprisings, freedom of expression, feminist issues and war are all themes that inspire her and that she tackles through dance. The intention is to reach the viewer in a different way, to offer them a fresh perspective on current issues, through an alternative to traditional media.
In the absence of words, the expression of the body offers both a poetic and visceral vision of dance, a sublimation of the factual and the concrete.
The diversity and richness of Montreal's cultural milieu have had an undeniable impact on Audrey's career. Access to the teachings of masters of different specialties (flamenco, oriental, Latin, Afro-Cuban, Guinean, contemporary, tap, urban, percussive dance, ballet) allowed her to multiply her ways of approaching the body. Juggling with this amalgam of expressions and techniques, she creates a polyglot, mixed and singular vocabulary and gestural language, which decompartmentalizes these different approaches. Dancing barefoot flamenco, in order to "see" rather than hear the sound, transform an Afro-Cuban dance by extirpating exclusively the work of the upper body, transposing to the ground a traditionally vertical genre, are all experiments which allow her to transform movement.
In the choreographic development of a work, Audrey pays particular attention to the sound environment that accompanies her, to the "groove" of the movement, as well as to the percussions generated by her feet, by her body. A real symbiosis with the music gives way to a total contrast or a question / answer type conversation with the frame. Kimberley Cooper, choreographer of the DJD company (Decidedly Jazz Danceworks - Calgary), is moreover one of her inspirations in this type of approach.
Inspired by social themes, Audrey's creations are built through the use of different choreographic formats. For her, video dance, in situ performance, indoor scenic context or interactive piece using digital technology, are all mediums that offer interesting features to bring the audience closer to the dancer and fuel the reflections underlying the works (isolation in our societies, omnipresence of technology, democratization of art…).